About Carnelian
Carnelian Metaphysical Properties
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Carnelian Agate, usually just called Carnelian, is a beautiful yet powerful red/orange stone. Incredibly versatile, this stone has many uses and healing properties.
These polished palm stones are approx. 30-45 mm and are perfect for adding to grids, carrying with you or even laid out on your desk to help promote creativity, concentration and to keep out interrupting thoughts.
Made with love, light, and positive energy, cleansed and Reiki applied before we ship out to you. Crystals are intuitively chosen for you.
- Stimulates analytical capabilities and precision
- Provides for perceptiveness to situations
- Awakens ones inherent talents
- Used to produce inspiration from, and connectedness with, the spiritual worlds
- Protects against envy, fear, and rage
- Helps to banish sorrow from the emotional structure
- Assists in providing for awareness of the association between the emotional state and the inner condition of the self
- Provides an energy conducive to the stabilization of energy in the home
- Provides, a strong, yet tender energy when used in the mode of retreat
- Stimulates inquisitiveness and subsequent initiative
- Can be used to dispel apathy, indolence, and passivity
- Use in cleansing negativity from other stones
- Provides for a clearing action while directing any negative energy, which is within the area, toward the light of transmutation
- Assist in drama and in pursuits related to theatrical presentations
- Useful in work on the first, second, third, and fourth chakras
- Can help to increase physical energy, personal power, creativity, and compassion
- Assists earth-bound spirits to leave an area
I bit smaller than expected but I like it!
I came in looking for a few stones that would remind me of my Gramma. Who died a few days prior. I came across this obsidian bracelet and I really fell in love with it. Not only was it appropriate to wear for the funeral, but it was grounding stone as well.
The artwork is stunning and a great addition to my mug collection
I LOVE IT ALL!!! So happy to have my beautiful crystals and oracle!! Also I cannot wait to start write my self care book!!