About Aventurine
Aventurine Metaphysical Properties
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Very unique Yellow Aventurine free form. 4-5” tall, approximately 900g.
Made with love, light, and positive energy, cleansed and Reiki applied before we ship out to you. Crystals are intuitively chosen for you.
- Used primarily at the heart chakra to both activate and clear
- Excellent protector of the heart chakra, providing for a shield to block the entry from those who wish to "tap-in" and use the energy of another
- Balances male/female energies
- Enhances creativity
- Brings motivation in activities
- Reinforces one's decisiveness
- Amplifies leadership qualities
- Facilitates balancing and alignment of the intellectual, emotional, physical, and auric bodies
- Has been used in rituals of the medicine wheel, to show to the spirit guides the connection with the healing light of the heart
I thoroughly enjoyed my first time shopping experience at Moonbeam Healing. The staff were friendly and knowledgeable. I am very happy with my purchases. Looking forward to more positive experiences! Thank you so much for providing such an incredible service to all.
Relates to me internally - My struggles and my gifts. I recieved to packages for the unknown mystery box and they were both great.
What a fantastic thing to be able to walk into a local shop and find this book! I thought I’d have to order it, but this wonderful store had it right on the shelf! If you’ve never been to the store, it’s well worth a visit!
An incredible and very interesting experience! I liked learning about my body, my energy, and how to maintain or heal myself. I thoroughly enjoyed my session with Monique and look forward to another session with her. Thank you so much!