Picasso Stone Healing Properties

Chakra: Base/Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus

Vibration: 3

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Picasso Stone Healing Properties:

It has the properties of MARBLE as well as the following properties:

  • Can assist one in the development of creative talents, and in the fulfillment of artistic enterprises
  • Used to assist one in sustaining and maintaining, while providing for the understanding of the destiny one has chosen
  • Brings the light of the other planetary beings to the soul of the user
  • Facilitates the transformation of intuition into intellectual thought
  • Assists one to traverse changes
  • Attracts strength and perseverance
  • Known as the master of the subconscious mind
  • Provides intuitive sessions to the user concerning the implementation of inner messages
  • Provide clarity to the inner sight
  • Instills a passionless peace of imperturbability via the annihilation of disturbing thoughts
  • Stimulates the circulatory system, to reduce anxiety and stress
  • Assist in digestion, regulation, and metabolism
  • Used in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, cellular and organ toxicity
  • Promotes weight loss