Chrysocolla Healing Properties
Chakra: Heart, Throat
Vibration: 5
Astrological Sign: Gemini, Virgo, Taurus
Chrysocolla Healing Properties:
- Revitalizes and calms the base, navel, and solar plexus chakras
- At the heart chakra, it can help to ease emotional heartache and to give renewed strength and balance
- Increases one's capacity to love
- At the throat chakra, it can give strength and balance in expression and communication
- Helps one to refrain from verbalization when silence would be beneficial to all concerned
- Provides for grounding while transmitting and furthering these stabilizing and balancing energies
- Help to become attuned to the Earth
- Can provide direction to assist one in increasing the ionization of the atmosphere
- Can in communication with the spiritual forces of the Earth
- Help one to understand that which is required in order that the Earth may heal itself
- Can produce great inner strength
- Helps to sustain strength during stressful and/or long-enduring situations
- Promotes and enhances physical vitality
- Stimulates the initiative qualities of one's character
- Promotes harmony by helping one to release the distress culminating from negative emotions
- Furthers understanding of others
- Helps one to recognize that there is more to life than what is evidenced in materiality
- Purifies the home and the environment
- Can work to eliminate negativity from within a person
- Has an energy conducive to stabilizing the home and re-building relationships
- Helps one to attune to the perfection of the universe
- Provides insight into that which is necessary to the physical body, intellect, and emotions in order to facilitate realignment toward the perfect state of health