Top 5 Stones for Protection and Positive Energy

Top 5 Stones for Protection and Positive Energy

Healing crystals have been used for centuries for their energetic properties, which are believed to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. One use of healing crystals is for protection, either from external sources of negativity or to shield oneself from one's own negative thoughts and emotions. Here are some of the best healing crystals to use for protection:

Black Tourmaline: This crystal is known for its grounding and protective energies, making it a great choice for shielding against negativity and absorbing negative energies. It is also said to help release stress and anxiety.

Amethyst: Amethyst is a popular choice for protection because of its calming and purifying energies. It is believed to help clear the mind and promote a sense of inner peace, making it a good choice for those who are easily overwhelmed or prone to negative thoughts.

Citrine: This sunny yellow crystal is known for its positive and uplifting energies, making it a great choice for protection against negative thoughts and emotions. It is also believed to promote mental clarity and encourage self-confidence.

Selenite: This crystal is known for its high vibration and ability to cleanse and purify the energy of any space. It is often used to create a protective shield around the body and can help release negativity and blockages from the aura.

Obsidian: This grounding and protective crystal is known for its ability to help release negativity and blockages from the aura. It is also believed to help with personal boundaries, making it a good choice for those who tend to absorb the energies of others.

It's important to remember that healing crystals are not a replacement for medical treatment and should be used as a complement to traditional therapies. It's also important to cleanse and charge your crystals regularly to maintain their energetic properties.

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